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The message is: More recipients, more active, more often. That is what is happening in the Eastern Cape as “old” athletes and new interested members got together to meet with coaches Johann van Greunen and Nic Human. Under the guidance of these well know coaches they will prepare themselves to compete in the 13th National Transplant Games taking place in Port Elizabeth from 12th till 15th July. 

More transplantees will join this group over the next two weeks and the Eastern Cape is challenging the other Regions to follow suite.

South Africa’s transplant athletes will descend on Port Elizabeth from 12th to 15th July to compete in the 13th National Transplant Games hosted by the Eastern Cape Region of the South African Transplant Sports Association (SATSA).
It sets the stage to demonstrate the improved quality of life following transplantation and through that, promote awareness for organ donation and transplantation. This is also an opportunity for transplanted athletes to show their gratitude towards living donors and families of deceased donors.
This is “Celebration of New Life” where athletes who have received organ and bone marrow transplants will compete in 13 different sports events. On Friday 13th July all the non-athletic events will take place while all the track and field events will take place on Saturday 14th July.
SATSA also makes use of this opportunity to include the community. A Fun Walk and transplant awareness event will take place on Friday 13th while a 90-day “Step Challenge” will start on Monday 9th April running until Saturday 7th July. Interested persons can enter teams of 4 and walk towards winning prizes! More details to follow.
The Games were officially launched on Saturday 17th March at the Protea Marine Hotel in Port Elizabeth where athletes, family members and Games Partners showed their support. 
During this launch appreciation was expressed to all supporting partners and sponsors for their enthusiastic participation to ensure the success of these Games.

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